Physics Geek


About Physics Geek

Physics Geek is the academic webpage for Professor J.Thompson. Professor Thompson teaches Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics at Mount Wachusett Community College. The webpage is to collect lecture notes, lecture videos, homework solutions, and other material related to the classes I teach or have taught at Champlain Collge, Southern Vermont College, and Mount Wachusett Community College.

The organization of this web page follows the class structures I am teaching. The video lectures I posted publically on Drinks with Socrates YouTube Channel , generated comments asking for source code. The course material was stored on the school's learning management system. Since I have enjoyed the comments and sharing knowledge outside of my classes with the curious learners of the world. I am putting the resources here so I can direct people to those resources if they wish to use them. Also by sharing this information more eyes than my two can look at these resources and help find the small errors, or large that creep into work like this.

Outside of direct course materials I am hoping to post some musings on my research, and personal studies. Though this is not the focus of the site and I suspect that corner will get a bit dusty and neglected. Also note that I am choosing to do a static web-page.

For security and clarity, I have stopped using a content management blog system. I have consciously chosen to use a very minimal css stylesheet. This means the look of this page is very 1995, though I hope the markup makes the accessibility very 2020's. So I have a simple privacy policy, there is no scripts, no cookies, no forms, the only information I get is what your browser and my hosting company's web-server log in the communication.